Turn the TV, cable box & the AV100 Mini ZVOX speaker OFF (Amber lights flashing). press and hold the Accuvoice button on the ZVOX remote for 5 seconds, or until the amber and blue lights flash twice followed by a single amber flashing light indicating the first step of learning a remote. 

Volume Up function:  2 second hold of the volume up button on your preferred remote and release until the amber light stops flashing.
Once you've finished the volume up function.

Volume Down function: Will start flashing a blue light indicating the volume down button.  2 second hold of the volume down button with your preferred remote and release until the blue flashing light turns into amber and blue flashing simultaneously.

Once you've finished the volume down function.

Mute button function: Amber and blue flashing simultaneously. Indicating the 3rd step to learn, the mute button function.  Follow the same steps as volume down until you will reach the last function (2 Second hold).
Once you've finished the mute down function.

TV Power button function:  You will see shuffling amber and blue lights indicating to learn the TV power function.  Follow the same steps as the other functions (2 Second hold). until the LED disappears.

Note:  Some remotes learn much easier by disconnect the TV & Cable box from power and starting the process with the ZVOX speaker only connected to power. Once finished connect the TV and cable box to power.

If its not done correctly or too slow you may need to start over.  At the end you will be able to use your preferred remote to control the ZVOX system.

Click here for video instructions