Shipment to ZVOX Audio

The owner is responsible for shipping charges to ZVOX Audio using the shipping method of their choice. The ZVOX Audio system should be shipped to the ZVOX Audio address provided in the Return Authorization. ZVOX Audio is not responsible for physical damage sustained by a product in shipment back to ZVOX Audio, regardless of the nature of the Return Authorization. ZVOX Audio suggests using a shipper that provides you a tracking number.

Once the repair has been performed, ZVOX Audio will then ship the unit back to the customer with no charge for shipping. ZVOX Audio will only ship to locations in the United States of America.

For a ZVOX Audio system owner outside the United States of America: A ZVOX Audio system owner outside the United States of America should contact the ZVOX retailer in the country where they purchased the ZVOX system to inquire about warranty service. You may then be referred to the authorized ZVOX Audio distributor in that country.

This is the sole and express warranty. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, of merchant ability, fitness for purpose or otherwise. In no event shall ZVOX Audio LLC be liable for incidental or consequential damages or have any liability with respect to defects other than the obligations set forth as stated. Except as provided herein, ZVOX Audio LLC shall have no liability or responsibility to the purchaser or any other person or entity with respect to any liability, loss or damage caused directly or indirectly by use of the product, including, but not limited to, any incidental or consequential damages.